Uncover in-depth insight

Uncover rich insights into consumer attitudes and behaviour with our qualitative fieldwork services. We take care of the entire research process from planning and recruitment to management and delivery – so you can focus on the all-important insights and outcomes.

Whether you need in-depth interviews, focus groups, in-store interviews, ethnography, or workshops, our team of supervisors and interviewers engage participants to get the most honest and accurate results. 

Whatever your research priorities are, our industry-leading approach and qualitative methods help you unlock valuable insight.

Our qualitative services

Focus groups

Accompanied shopping

Co-creation sessions

Telephone depths


In-depth interviews

Online forums and communities

Workshop sessions

Focus groups

Focus groups are an incredibly productive way to analyse behaviour, attitudes and perceptions. We find the ideal venue and create the perfect environment for an enriching discussion, asking strategic questions that help develop your concept, product or service.

Accompanied shops

Accompanied or assisted shops give you a front-row seat to shopper insights, enabling you to question their decision-making and understand their behaviours in real time. Our experienced facilitators know how to get the most out of shoppers, whether it’s a free-form or highly structured session.

Co-creation sessions

Putting the customer at the core of ideation and development means you’ve always got their needs covered. We focus on recruiting creative minds and curating an environment that helps you generate and refine effective ideas.

Telephone depths

In-depth telephone interviews are a great way to get more information out of your participants. Where face-to-face interviews aren’t efficient, we organise and conduct telephone interviews that strategically discuss ideas, products or services.


Observing participants in their natural environment is an effective way to note instinctive reactions and responses. Using the most appropriate methodologies, we structure ethnographic observations to yield valuable research.

In-depth interviews

Interviews extract in-depth information from individuals who might not open up in group sessions. We plan and facilitate face-to-face interviews in which our experts dig deep to explore interesting and provoking points of discussion.

Online forums and communities

Forums and communities combine ethnographic research with group sessions, all carried out online. We identify relevant groups of individuals and observe and manage conversations to discover certain attitudes, feelings and behaviours.

Workshop sessions

Workshop sessions are one of the most valuable qualitative research methods. We recruit creative participants and facilitate engaging workshop sessions to generate ideas, concepts and developments.


+44 (0) 7568 724 673

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Office 14
The Junction
Charles Street


Contact us today to help you find the right people to participate in your research.