Our values

Be organised

Logistics can be daunting. We opt for an in-house logistic management team and internal participant panel that guarantees a smooth delivery of projects.

Be thorough

We don’t take the easy route in our delivery. Our in-depth market research industry knowledge makes it easy for us to handle even the largest logistical matters.

Build partnerships

With years of experience behind us working with the UK’s largest and fastest-growing research and insight consultancies, we approach each brief with fresh eyes, paying attention to every detail and collaborating with our clients to build long-lasting relationships.

Have integrity

We care less about filling the room, and more about who fills it. We remain GDPR compliant and ensure your needs are put first.

Data is safe in our hands

Working with us guarantees confidentially. We understand the importance of data security at every stage of the research process, especially during data collection.

Feel free to contact us to receive more information on our Privacy and Data Security Statement.



Aligned to the ISO27001 standards for information and data security.

UK Data Protection 2018

UK Data Protection 2018 compliant.


Aligned to the global medical device nomenclature for the purpose of regulatory data exchange.


+44 (0) 7568 724 673

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Office 14
The Junction
Charles Street


Contact us today to help you find the right people to participate in your research.